This is something that I have learnt from the last 5 years since I have kids. So we visited the Christmas market in Aachen, Germany keeping this in mind. And it worked because I did not feel frustrated.
To get is short, it was cold, it was raining and there were incredible lot ot people. We did not buy anything, but it was good to feel a little Christmas spirit. And Aachen is a very nice little town!

Magyar fordítás:
Hétvégén meglátogattuk az aachen-i karácsonyi vásárt. Esett az eső, hideg volt és rengetegen voltak, de azért jó volt érezni egy kis karácsonyi hangulatot... persze nem vettünk semmit.
What lovely photographs of this pretty little town!
VálaszTörlésWow! This cutie little town is so cute! Great place to bring the children on this coming christmas. ;D
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