Welcome to our transformed living room! I will not show you any 'before' pictures as it looked extremely awful before. I am so happy! For the first time this house we rent feels like a home. Considering that I prefer more subtle color palettes, it turned out to be quite colorful. And guess what? I like it!
We rearranged the L-shaped couch to open up the space. (I can not believe we did not think about this arrangement before.) I am planning to replace the orange kids' furniture by a wooden set which would give the room more warmth.

Toy storage was a crucial problem here. We tried to convince the children to go to their bedroom and play there, but it just did not work out. So at the end of the day large piles of toys were scattered around the room as there were no porper storage. So I decided to buy some plastic boxes and use the space under the lockers. It really motivates the children to tidy up if they know where to put everything.

The little duck basket holds little figures and treasures. The IKEA picture in the frame was in our basement for years, but I decided to use it until I do not find something else.

I am so happy about this room. I always have great plans to create a dream space, but I have to admit that now I can not afford buying anything expensive. And this is only a rental. So I decided to use what I have and hopefully later I will be able to replace a couple of things.
Magyar fordítás:
Hétvégén nagytakarítás közben eszembe jutott, hogy rendezzük át a nappalit. Megint! Íme az eredmény! Nagyon tetszik, sokkal nagyobb lett a tér mint előtte volt. Vettünk egy kis polcot a sarokba és néhány műanyag dobozt a komód alá, hogy ne legyenek szanaszét a játékok. Annyival jobb lett a szoba, nem is értem, hogy eddig ezt miért nem csináltuk meg...
We have a toy storage problem too - we tried to get them to play in their rooms but it doesn't work. I like the red lockers.
VálaszTörlésIt looks wonderful, Monika. And you are right: the new couch location really opens up the room. You sound happy and I am so happy for you, dear!
It looks wonderful! Good idea to have a small table for the kids in the livingroom!
VálaszTörlésI think it looks great and I love that red locker thing. Like Anita, I can't really get my children to play in their rooms - great in theory but not in practice. So you do need storage. I think the room looks happy and warm and just lovely. xoxo
VálaszTörlésThank you, girls! You are so kind!
VálaszTörlésWow! You did a great job! I like how you create and redesign your living room. And it turn out great. ;D
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